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Rugby Players


Mission, Vision and Values


The mission of Ultimate deLux is to provide the community of Luxembourg city with a club to
learn, play and enjoy the sport and spirit of Ultimate frisbee.

Ultimate deLux envisions to steadily increase the community of Ultimate players in Luxembourg
and to offer a safe space where everyone is welcome to learn to play Ultimate frisbee and
improve skills individually and as a team.

Our values are respect, equity, inclusion, community, and spirit of the game.

  • We focus on building an environment of mutual respect that fosters trust and

  • encouragement at every level of competition, where the perspectives of all participants are actively welcomed and valued.

  • Respect ourselves, our opponents, our community, and the sport.

  • We ensure that every player, new, frequent or returning, feels a sense of belonging within Ultimate deLux.

  • We make Ultimate frisbee accessible to all by reducing obstacles and cultural barriers to participation.

  • We promote and strengthen connections and relationships within our regional community.

  • We follow the core principle of Ultimate frisbee called “Spirit of the Game” which turns the responsibility of fair play and rules knowledge onto every player.

World Flying Disc Federation preamble:
“All players are responsible for administering and adhering to the rules. Ultimate relies upon a
Spirit of the Game that places the responsibility for fair play on every player. It is trusted that no
player will intentionally break the rules; thus there are no harsh penalties for breaches, but
rather a method for resuming play in a manner which simulates what would most likely have
occurred had there been no breach. Highly competitive play is encouraged, but should never
sacrifice the mutual respect between players, adherence to the agreed-upon rules of the game,
or the basic joy of play.”

Objectives: About
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